Weekly Medium Entry 9

Sophia Schultz
2 min readJul 9, 2021
One of the Sketches for My Round Robin Exploration

Since we didn’t have any prompts for this week, I thought it’d be a good idea to just go over and reflect on some of the feedback I received this Wednesday in our round robin groups. My feedback was overall really positive and my group partners expressed interest in seeing the final outcome of my research. I really need to conduct my primary research soon (survey/interviews), but my group members thought I had quite a bit of information already which was reassuring to hear. I’ve been kind of stuck on what my final deliverable will be for a while now and I got some great ideas from my team members.

Someone suggested that since I have an interest in motion, that it could be an interactive-motion interface where a user could sift through and explore different video clips with various sections of information from my research. The context could be that this tool is set up in a shelter/adoption agency to inform and appeal to potential adopters/fosters about the many pit bulls in the shelter.

While I really like this idea, I’m not sure it’s feasible for the amount of time we have next semester. The animation alone will take quite a bit of time (even if I strip it to the most bare essentials) and I know from experience now that I neither enjoy interface design and it takes quite a lot of time and effort to build and refine all on its own.

Another person suggested a single animated video that really gets to the meat of my topic (again like a short Ted Talk animation) and could be viewed in one short sitting. I like this idea a lot, but I’d like to get my primary research done before I commit to it just to see how appealing it would be to the target demographic I’m attempting to persuade.

So I guess I’m still stuff in no man’s land when it comes to figuring out my deliverable. A print artifact seems very feasible and appropriate for this subject. However, my benchmarking proved that most of the already available design work about pit bulls is print based, particularly photography, books, and infographics. If possible I want to avoid what has been done before and since I really want to make motion a primary focus of my design career after DAAP, I want to have some nice refined stuff to add to my portfolio reel.

